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CCOE Perinatal Safety Standards Bundle 

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    Postpartum Hemorrhage and severe hypertension and preeclampsia continue to be leading causes of maternal mortality in the United States. This 2-course safety bundle is comprised of a module on Postpartum Hemorrhage and a module on Severe Hypertension/Preeclampsia. They are designed to help you identify, assess, and manage patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and postpartum hemorrhage in the intrapartum and postpartum period. You will learn the physiologic changes in pregnancy as well as additional risk factors that predispose pregnant people to hypertensive disorders and hemorrhage. Using critical thinking concepts presented in case scenario format, you will apply knowledge in the management of these patients. The course content meets the Joint Commission requirements for PC 06.01.01 Reduce likelihood of harm related to maternal hemorrhage and PC.06.03.01 Reduce the likelihood of harm related to maternal severe hypertension/preeclampsia.

    Learning Objectives:

    Identify risk factors for obstetric hemorrhage through risk screening assessments.

    Prioritize the appropriate steps in the management of obstetric hemorrhage, including administration of uterotonics, surgical intervention, blood product transfusions, and post-event care.

    Explain the importance of readiness, recognition, response, and respectful care in preparation for an obstetrical hemorrhage.

    Define hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.

    Summarize the most common maternal complications of preeclampsia.

    Outline evidence-based management for pregnant people with severe hypertension.

    Apply concepts of nursing assessment and interventions to the plan of care in a case scenario.

    Nursing Contact Hours

    2.75 nursing contact hours (CNE available through 05/31/2025)

    AWHONN Accreditation Statement  

    The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Accredited status does not imply endorsement by AWHONN or the ANCC of any commercial products displayed or discussed in conjunction with an educational activity. AWHONN is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, provider # CEP580.  

    AWHONN offers volume discount pricing to hospitals wanting to educate multiple clinicians. To learn more, please contact Mitty Songer, Director, Product Sales and Client Relations at (304) 550-3984 or via email at