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Nursing Care and Management of the Second Stage of Labor-3rd Ed. Hard Copy

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  • AWHONN’s Nursing Care and Management of the Second Stage of Labor, third edition Evidence-Based Guideline is a must have for nurses working in any birthing setting. This guideline provides updated and detailed practice recommendations for assisting women through the second stage of labor based on the best available evidence. It emphasizes the value of  non-directed, open glottis pushing and upright positioning as essential nursing practice interventions that support the normal physiologic process of labor.

    The third edition also includes a section highlighting how this guideline was implemented and helped to improve outcomes for women during the second stage of labor.  This Evidence Based Guideline was developed by nurses for nurses with comprehensive review of literature from multiple disciplines including nursing, medicine, and the behavioral health sciences.

     Pricing: Members - $54.95 | Non-members - $74.95

    Product Id: 10005 Product Code: 2ndSL3-119

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