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When and Where
  • 9/30/2024 3:00 PM EDT
  • 9/30/2024 5:00 PM EDT
  • Eastern Time

Speaker: Lisa Miller, CNM, JD

This webinar is $69.95 for members and $89.95 for non-members.

Building on the concept of standardized interpretation of FHR tracings, this webinar will provide the final piece of the puzzle for creating a shared mental model in EFM. We will take a deep dive into Category 2 algorithms; review corrective measures; and make Category 2 tracing management easy for everyone! We’ll also discuss liability issues related to Category 2 management.


  1. Describe the inherent challenges with Category 2 management.
  2. Review current algorithms for EFM and Category 2.
  3. Discuss a variety of corrective measures of FHR tracings.

Recordings of the webinar will be provided after the end of the webinar.