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When and Where
  • 4/20/2023 12:30 PM EDT
  • 4/20/2023 1:30 PM EDT
  • Central Time
  • Zoom

Fatty Liver Disease: A Patient Perspective

WI AWHONN Mini Event April 2023

Thursday, April 20, 2023

1230-1330 CT

Amber Latsch, CNM, NP, Private Practice, Madison, WI

When giving birth to her twins in 2019, Amber Latsch became gravely ill and was diagnosed with Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy. Drawing from her unique perspective as both a practicing midwife and patient, she will share the story of becoming a survivor of a critical illness during her pregnancy. She also will share with us how her husband, a paramedic, knew something wasn't right and advocated for her throughout her journey. 


  1. Briefly discuss the pathophysiology of fatty liver disease. 
  2. Detail a personal story of survival of a complicated pregnancy and birth.