Title: Rural Special Interest Group (SIG) Meeting: AR MOMS grant program Rural Maternity & Obstetrics Management Strategies
Speakers: Dawne Sokora, MS, BSN, RN, PMP; Sharon Vaughn, RN; and Terri Mace, Data Coordinator
Description: Dawne Sokora, Sharon Vaughn, and Terri Mace will be joining us to discuss the AR MOMS grant program that benefits rural communities throughout southwest Arkansas. Their specialized team consists of a nurse practitioner, registered nurse, and perinatal mental health specialist who travel Monday through Thursday to maternal deserts, providing ultrasounds, non-stress testing, lab supplies, and an array of other prenatal services to mothers that otherwise would have had minimal or no prenatal care due to lack of access. Join us to learn more about their successes, challenges, and thoughts about the future of rural obstetrics within their state.